Report of the Audit and Societary
Practices Committee

Mexico City, February 22, 2019

To the Board of Directors of El Puerto de Liverpool, S. A. B. de C. V.

We, the undersigned, appointed as members of the company’s Audit and Corporate Practices Committee, present the report on the activities carried out, pursuant to article 43 of the Securities Market Act.

The Committee met four times during the year, addressing, among others, the following points:

I. The General Stockholders’ Meeting held March 15, 2018, appointed Mr. Jorge Antonio Salgado Martínez chairman of the Audit and Corporate Practices Committee for fiscal year 2019.

II. On audit matters:

III. On the matter of corporate practices:

As a result of the activities carried out by this Committee, and having heard the opinion of the Company’s Independent Auditors, we hereby recommend that the Board of Directors submit the financial statements of El Puerto de Liverpool, S. A. B. de C. V. and Subsidiaries as of December 31, 2018, in the terms in which such statements have been prepared and presented by Company management to the General Shareholders’ Meeting for its approval.


The Audit and Corporate Practices Committee

Juan Miguel Gandoulf
Jorge Salgado
Pedro Velasco