El Puerto de Liverpool is deeply convinced that employees are the heart of our business, and we had a chance to prove it during the pandemic, through actions to protect their health and well-being. Being 2020 an unprecedented year, we did what was necessary as a company to be there for our people, caring for them and offering a comprehensive quality of life plan that enabled them to stay on track despite the uncertainty.
We began the process by engaging the support of a renowned medical team who helped us to understand COVID-19 and its implications, identifying the basic care measures and the 47 protocols we should follow. We created the “Safe Space” concept (“Safe Store” at Suburbia) which involved measures for promptly detecting whether an employee or customer had symptoms, to isolate them and follow up as necessary to avoid further spread of the virus. We identified personnel with special vulnerabilities and assigned them, in most cases, to remote responsibilities so they could continue contributing to the business productively while protecting their health.
At the same time, we introduced a series of measures to support our employees, which included:
Our interest in being there for our employees is part of everything we do. A Quality of Life program offering emotional, social and, medical counseling and care was implemented, including initiatives such as:
Taking advantage of our operating closure, and to face organizational and personal challenges relating to the pandemic, we stepped up our digital training efforts for employees on topics like leadership, digital transformation and change management. We also retrained employees in remote customer service and sales, as well as credit advisors and digital experience experts. We provided more than 30,000 hours of virtual and online training.
Aiming to stay close to employees, we launched communications and media campaigns to reinforce the “Safe Space” strategy as well as to create bonds between executives and employees, through two major campaigns: “United through the distance,” and “Caring for you, caring for all of us,” through which we distributed important information, educated and raised awareness about the importance of self-care protocols. We also launched a ChatBot, a new communication channel that provides a rapid, timely and official response to employees’ questions, representing another big step toward solving recurring subjects.
Employees were active in continuous improvement initiatives to keep up with the Group's evolution. Developing a QR code for workplace access, renewal of the Click & Collect curbside pickup system, and improvements in last-mile home delivery by sales associates are examples of the aforementioned.
Our employees are our most important asset, that's why in 2020 our actions were a token of our commitment toward them, their well-being and their development.