Comprehensive Income

December 31, 2023 and 2022
Figures expressed in thousands of pesos, except earnings per share

  Note   2023   2022
Operating revenue:          
Net sales of merchandise   $ 172,428,903 $ 157,606,549
Interest earned from customers     16,268,496   13,199,946
Income from real estate     4,534,684   3,721,874
Services     1,580,198   1,134,990
Other income     1,179,342   370,361
Total revenue 2.22   195,991,623   176,033,720
Costs and expenses:          
Cost of sales     116,871,459   107,576,972
Provision for credit losses     2,889,335   1,791,024
Administrative expenses     46,625,041   41,150,345
Total costs and expenses 24   166,385,835   150,518,341
Operating income     29,605,788   25,515,379
Interest expense     (4,067,381)   (3,989,142)
Foreign exchange loss     (2,591,737)   (1,456,423)
Financing cost     (6,659,118)   (5,445,565)
Foreign exchange gain     1,629,570   980,772
Return on investments     1,915,389   1,766,647
Financial income     3,544,959   2,747,419
Equity in the results of associates 11.2   507,668   376,918
Profit before income tax     26,999,297   23,194,151
Income tax 22   (7,498,083)   (5,796,912)
Consolidated net income     19,501,214   17,397,239
Other comprehensive income:          
Components to be subsequently reclassified to income:          
Cash flow hedges     (104,787)   (995,380)
Translation effect of investment in associates - Net of income tax     (506,965)   (476,923)
Components not to be subsequently reclassified to income:          
Changes in the fair value of equity investments at fair value through other comprehensive income - Net of income tax 15   (28,508)   (694,407)
Remeasurement of the liability for defined benefits - Net of income tax     (311,358)   (420,058)
Consolidated comprehensive income   $ 18,549,596 $ 14,810,471
Net income attributable to:          
Controlling interest   $ 19,486,518 $ 17,384,903
Non-controlling interests     14,696   12,336
      19,501,214   17,397,239
Basic and diluted earnings per share 21.4 $ 14.52 $ 12.96
Comprehensive income attributable to:          
Controlling interest   $ 18,533,963 $ 14,798,231
Non-controlling interests     15,633   12,240
    $ 18,549,596 $ 14,810,471
Basic and diluted comprehensive earnings per share   $ 13.82 $ 11.03

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.