Social dimension

Training and development 59,261 employees--74% of the workforce--underwent an average of 7.38 hours of training each.
205 youth worked with us this year under our internship program.
250 teachers nationwide trained in leadership, management, and teaching skills, earning a digital badge for professional credit.
This year, more than 3,581 members of the general public were reached through free programs offered by “UVL en tu Comunidad.”
Volunteering and donations 13,512 hours of volunteer time dedicated to social welfare and environmental projects.
Occupational health and safety We comply with NOM-035-STPS-2018 and NOM-036-1-STPS-2018 standard for the identification of ergonomic risks and implementation of actions required by the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare (STPS for its initials in spanish).
Diversity and inclusion We raised awareness on diversity and inclusion topics for 14,379 employees.
3 new financial inclusion programs: Tarjeta Garantizada for Liverpool, Minipagos, and Aparta+ for Suburbia.
21% of Customers with little or no prior credit history had access to financing.
hours of volunteer time dedicated to social welfare and environmental projects

59,261 employees–74% of the workforce–underwent an average of 7.38 hours of training each.

Internal Training and Development
(GRI 3-3, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3)

At El Puerto de Liverpool, we want our employees to grow and advance their careers, so we have focused our efforts on improving and expanding educational content according to their needs.

In our Learning area, we support employees’ personal and professional advancement through the best skill-based learning experiences: digital thinking, learning agility, emotional intelligence, management and service, through a 70-20-10 learning model.

We foster the development and training of our leaders throughout the organization.We offer over 10 courses that promote leadership, and contribute to the vision of the organization through our service program, amongst which the following stand out:

  • New Directors: Transformative leadership
    Facilitate leadership tools that help them successfully transition to their new roles, so they can face individual and team challenges.
  • New managers: High-impact leadership
    Offers them a clear perspective on the challenges of their managerial job, ensuring a smooth transition and more effective integration into their new responsibilities.
  • New Boss: Leaders of the future
    Instills experiences and skills in new leaders to strengthen their management capacity and help them face the challenges of the new job.

We also continue to offer programs through Liverpool Virtual University (UVL for its initials in spanish), including primary and high school education, five undergraduate degrees and four master’s programs, all certified by the federal educational authority.

We have innovative training programs, one of which is our onboarding program. This program is designed to offer comprehensive support to all new hires over the course of their first year. In it they learn about aspects such as organizational culture, service familiarization, prevention training, tool mastery, and best management practices.

Finally, we offer multidimensional performance evaluations every six months and every year for all staff, assessing both quantitative and qualitative aspects to drive individual development and ensure their personal goals are aligned with the corporate strategy.

The programs provided by Liverpool Virtual University offer primary and high school education, five undergraduate degrees and four master’s programs.

Talent Seedbed
We offer university students the opportunity to join El Puerto de Liverpool as interns, grant recipients or trainees in administrative areas, programs we have developed in close partnership with various universities. The programs offer participants a chance to gain experience in professional environments, enriching their academic education by applying their theoretical knowledge, exploring areas of specialization, making professional connections and enhancing their confidence for future jobs.

We offer opportunities in our “Pathways to Success” program in partnership with the National College of Technical Professional Education (CONALEP), aimed at students focused on Food and Beverage Management. Participants who have demonstrated good performance at El Puerto de Liverpool have an opportunity to be hired upon completion of their degree. This year, 125 participants obtained certifications for Soft Skills, Cooking, Boutique Sales Floor Advisor, Payroll Assistant, and Logistics Office Assistant. We also participate in the federal “Youth Building the Future” (JCF), Mexican government program that unites the experience of workplaces with the energy of youth to boost job opportunities.

Social Training
Since UVL first opened its doors in 2000, we have incorporated study plans at various educational levels, supporting the advancement of our communities with the following free programs:

Program Audience Skills and competencies
Growing with El Puerto General public Professional development skills such as leadership, innovation, business, and employability.
School for parents General public: Parents Training to improve parenting and family communication skills, strengthening parental roles and reducing the educational gap.
Well-being General public: Enhancing social and interpersonal skills, promoting self-awareness, managing thoughts and emotions, resilience, and relationship with the environment, as well as fostering financial literacy.
Catch up General public: People seeking high school certificate With the support of teachers, we provide online mentoring in subjects such as mathematics, English, reading, and writing, at the high school level, at no cost.
Join the community General public We promote personal and professional growth through master classes, workshops, and micro-learning, fostering collaboration to strengthen communities and promote solidarity.
participants in the “Pathways to Success” program

114 volunteer projects involving 2,252 volunteers and an average of 6 hours per project, benefiting 60 institutions in Mexico.

Our “Adopt a school” program supports education in communities neighboring El Puerto de Liverpool facilities, contributing to social welfare.

At present we foster schools in Mexico City, Mexico State, Tampico and Monterrey. In 2023 we invested in this program, supplying teaching materials, cafeteria and security equipment, digital classrooms and educational assistance through civil-society organizations and the UVL.

“Teaching Space 360” provides with didactic resources, technological tools and assistance to trainees for becoming Educational Mentors. At the end of this program they receive a digital badge, with professional credit that they can apply throughout their professional career.

Volunteering and donations
Our company’s commitment to society is underscored by the work of employee volunteers who directly support the communities where we operate.

Employees who donate their time through our programs are active in four main areas: education, environment diversity and nutrition.

We organized 114 volunteer projects in 2023, involving 2,252 volunteers and an average of 6 hours per project, benefiting 60 institutions in 29 Mexican states. Based on the average cost of a work hour, this donated time was worth $1.3 million pesos.

We promote our Cause-Driven Product program through pastries sold in our restaurants and gourmet experience locales, allocating 10% of the profits to support education. Through this initiative, in partnership with Enseña por México, A.C., we raised $1.1million pesos.

Under our “reverse logistics” program, we make donations to our ally social organizations; $364 million pesos worth of products were donated during 2023.

Community Resilience
In response to the devastation caused recently by hurricane Otis in Guerrero, we launched a fundraising campaign to support affected employees and their families. Combining the efforts of all our business units, we sent essential supplies, food, drinking water, and medical assistance to those in need. We also administered tetanus and influenza vaccines and created psychological support brigades to help people deal with post-traumatic stress.

By the end of 2023, over 400 household items such as refrigerators, mattresses, stoves, and dining sets were donated; over 5,000 garments for women, men, boys, and girls; and over 950 toys for children of all ages, as well as 4,500 packages of staple food supplies.

1,273 remote consultations for employees to timely monitor their health.

Occupational health and safety
(GRI 3-3, 401-2, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-9)

The health and wellness of our employees are a constant priority, which is why in 2023 we continued our “Creating the best version of me” program and bolstered its strategies through the following actions:

Health and wellness caravans
We instill a culture of prevention and comprehensive self-care among our staff. We create circuits that involve clinical checkups aimed at timely control and monitoring of diseases. With a special focus on raising awareness in the fight against breast cancer, we offered mammograms and breast ultrasounds throughout the year. We also provided prostate antigen studies. Lecture cycles, workshops, and activities focused on raising awareness about mental health and providing psychological first aid.

Medical Emergency Response Protocol
Launched in 2022, this protocol provides guidelines on prompt response to medical emergencies for employees and others. In 2023, people working in areas where accidents are most likely to happen—restaurants, children’s areas, maintenance, loss prevention, human capital, and well-being—were trained as first aid responders.

Mental Health Protocol
In accordance with the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare NOM 035-STPS-2018 standard, we drafted this protocol to address psychosocial risks in the workplace. It incorporates other mental health care initiatives, including personal aspects, to ensure comprehensive and personalized attention to employees who require it.

Quality of Life Congress
On February 22nd and 23rd, the first Quality of Life Congress was held, with 22,838 people attending to hear talks on physical and mental health trends and their impact on employees’ lives, emphasizing the importance of self-care.

This past year, a pilot program was launched at Suburbia to make medical care more accessible in workplaces where the law does not require an on-site infirmary. In our commitment to employee wellness, we provided 1,273 remote consultations for employees to timely monitor their health.

Ergonomic health risk monitoring
In compliance with NOM-036-1-STPS-2018 standard, our Safety and Hygiene Department conducted a study to identify the positions that involve the ergonomic skeletal risks defined in this standard.

Vaccination Campaigns
In 2023, we administered 28,937 influenza vaccines across the nation.

We provide employee benefits above and beyond those required by law, such as the “Financial Future” program, which provides life insurance and retirement contributions, major medical expense insurance, maternity and paternity benefits, birthdays off, employee discounts for employees on educational, health, entertainment, gastronomy, tourism, fitness, and wellness services, and discounts on purchases at our stores.

We build leadership in middle and senior management positions through our Allies that Inspire program, focusing on growth with equal opportunities

Pay gap and living wages
(GRI 405-2)

El Puerto de Liverpool offers its employees fair compensation and a living wage, based on internal pay scales that recognize the work of all areas. By reducing the wage gap, we promote equal opportunities regardless of gender, ethnicity, or other factors, creating an inclusive and equitable work environment aligned with our principle of equal pay for equal work. We conducted an analysis of our gap by category with gender as a reference, considering both our general and executive personnel.

The following are the ratios by category:

Gender Pay Gap
Category Ratio men/women
Senior Management 102.4%
Middle management 92.6%
Professionals 96.6%
General 97.7%

In 2023, El Puerto de Liverpool adopted a living wage strategy to ensure that all of our employees can maintain a dignified standard of living. Using the CONEVAL 2023 methodology, the value we calculated was 2.6% above the estimate.

Diversity and Inclusion
(GRI 3-3, 405-1, GRI 406-1)

We are committed to promoting a diverse and inclusive work culture where we value talent for talent’s sake. These values are consigned in our Code of Ethics,as well as our Code of Conduct and Integrity. We developed an Equality, Diversity, and Non-Discrimination Policy, which establishes more specific initiatives to prevent such cases and corrective actions to mitigate them.

We build leadership in middle and senior management positions through our “Allies that Inspire” program, which develops leadership skills with a gender approach, focusing on the individual advancement with equal opportunities. In 2023, 261 men and women graduated from this program, and 8.2% of women changed positions or were promoted during the year.

of Customers can acquire products under our Aparta+ layaway program

Our Diversity and Inclusion Awareness program educates employees about these basic concepts to ensure El Puerto de Liverpool is an open and inclusive company that fosters a discrimination-free environment. In 2023, we trained 14,379 employees from all businesses and had 17 Liverpool stores certified under NMX-R-025-SCFI-2015 standard for equality and non-discrimination.

We have also developed guidelines for our infrastructure to make our facilities more inclusive of employees with disabilities and to better serve our Customers. We have created a signage manual that includes accessibility guidelines for people with motor disabilities and people with visual disabilities, which has been adapted for application in each business.

To be more inclusive, our stores integrate references to the NOM 003 SEGOB/2002 standard, which means offering accessible spaces and services adapted for pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities. The adaptations include ramps, elevators, fitting rooms, trained personnel, and specific services such as accessible counters.

We are also committed to offering inclusive financial services that address a range of profiles and circumstances. We facilitate access to credit for people with little or no credit experience, and we have a Financial Literacy Program that provides informed follow-up to our Customers about its functioning and the financial services they acquire.

Financial services at Suburbia have undergone a conceptual evolution, one example of which is our Aparta+ model, a layaway system under which Customers can purchase the merchandise they want by making a 15% down payment and completing the payment in installments, which has the added advantage of avoiding interest payments. At the same time, we strengthened our “Minipagos” system, allowing our Customers to pick up items from our stores once they are paid for.

Liverpool created a financial program called the Guaranteed Card, in which Customers can make payments to their card and purchase products with it, enabling them to improve their credit record over time as they use their cards correctly.