
to the consolidated financial statements


El Puerto de Liverpool, S. A. B. de C. V.
and subsidiaries

December 31, 2015 and 2014

Note 1 - General information:
Note 2 - Summary of significant accounting policies:
Note 3 - Risk management:
Note 4 - Critical accounting judgments and key sources of uncertainty in estimates:
Note 5 - Category of financial instruments:
Note 6 - Credit quality of financial instruments:
Note 7 - Cash and cash equivalents:
Note 8 - Short-term and long-term loan portfolio-Net:
Note 9 - Other accounts receivable - Net:
Note 10 - Inventories:
Note 11 - Derivative financial instruments:
Note 12 - Investments in associates:
Note 13 - Investment properties - Net:
Note 14 - Property, furniture and equipment - Net:
Note 15 - Intangible assets - Net:
Note 16 - Provisions:
Note 17 - Bank Borrowings:
Note 18 - Issuance of Senior Notes:
Note 19 - Employee benefits:
Note 20 - Balances and transactions with related parties:
Note 21 - Costs and expenses by nature:
Note 22 - Income Tax:
Note 23 - Stockholders’ equity:
Note 24 - Contingencies and commitments:
Note 25 - Operating leases:
Note 26 - Segment information:
Note 27 - Authorization of issuance of consolidated financial statements: