El Puerto de Liverpool is known for the quality of its products and services, and for not just meeting our customers’ needs but respecting and protecting the environment as well. As a company that sells products and services, we understand that our operations have a significant impact on the planet, which is why we have developed various plans, strategies and goals to innovate on a daily basis and offer our customer the best experience. Becoming part of their lives, while reducing our environmental footprint.
Our dedication to sustainability not only makes us more competitive and enhances the products we offer; it also guarantees that we are working for a more sustainable future.
On our website, you’ll find important information about environmental issues and the strategies we’re following to achieve our environmental goals between now and 2040. It also explains our environment policies and our sustainability practices and processes. These commitments and resources reflect our commitment to sustainability and our desire to work together with our stakeholders to build a more prosperous, equitable future for all. At El Puerto de Liverpool, we’re excited about the path ahead, and determined to continue leading the change to a more sustainable future. Join us in this vital mission!