
Since the company’s beginnings more than 175 years ago, El Puerto de Liverpool has been committed to making appositive mark on Mexico, building value for all our stakeholders through our operations. The past years have brought many changes for our customers and for society at large. In an effort to understand how the world has changed and what our stakeholders need today, we updated our 2018 materiality study and used the material issues identified as the foundation for our The EPL Footprint sustainability strategy for 2023 and beyond.

The Footprint Strategy

We call our sustainability strategy “The El Puerto de Liverpool Footprint.” It consists of six focuses for development and one governance focus, which are in turn divided into various action lines and initiatives. We have consolidated the many actions El Puerto was already carrying out in its various business under a single management system divided into thematic desks. The team members for each desk are responsible for following up with the implementation of action plans in each initiative and measuring our progress against targets through a system of indicators. Finally, they report on performance to The Footprint Desk, led by our Chief Executive Officer, using a scorecard of key indicators. We communicate these results to our various audiences, primarily the investor webpage, quarterly reports, and our annual report.

Estrategia de sostenibilidad de Liverpool

Public commitments


Carbon footprint

  • Reduce 268,000 tCO2eq, achieving carbon neutrality

Waste management

  • Recycling 100% of recyclable waste

Water footprint

  • Reduce consumption of fresh water by at least 1,070,000m3
  • Treat 885,000m3 of water consumed
  • Continue and increase rainwater capture


Promote more women to middle and senior management

Contribute to the education of 100,000 active users of Liverpool University and complementary programs


Label 100% of products that have sustainable features

Audit 100% of social and environmental practices through responsible sourcing

ESG Resource Center