People Analytics

Our Human Resource Department has a set of company and employee data, and other indicators from surveys and performance evaluations. Often, however, this data is not exploited or analyzed in depth, which means we could be missing a great opportunity to draw business-relevant conclusions.

As with data generated by other departments, Human Resources has its own method of analysis, which helps it to visualize the information in a simpler way in order to draw conclusions, which we call People Analytics or HR Analytics.

By People Analytics we mean the set of data relating to the people who are part of a company and which are analyzed to make better decisions about them. All this information gives managers, executives and HR professionals a broader view of the performance of the people in their company, and thus, to protect the welfare of the teams and the business.

Depending on the company's goals at the Human Resources level, which determine what information we want to obtain, we compile specific metrics. Some of the most common are:

Monitoring this type of metrics serves to improve personnel management based on real data at all levels. Therefore, this method is a great ally when it comes to HR reporting, in which some metrics are fundamental, such as:

Satisfaction Survey - Employee Climate

People Analytics information is incorporated into the annual report from 2021, and from 2022, this data is verified . You can find the information at the following link: (Pg 59- )